Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Cousin Christmas

We took the opportunity on our trip to celebrate a mini Christmas together and exchange gifts...

The kids were all excited to get some spending money for the trip from Nannie & Grandpa...

Apparently, Kevin loved Emily's new sweater...

And our gift to Liam was the entertainment for the night... Gifts wrapped inside other gifts, taped shut, shrink wrapped together and zip tied closed!

Each gift he finally got open ended up being a gift card to a place he wanted, but first he had to do a maze to get the cards out...

He even enlisted the help of others, as I did not make it easy for him this year!

I'm pretty sure at first he thought he was actually getting Pop-Tarts, coffee pods & taco kits... 

He was an awesome sport, everyone helped a bit, and he was ultimately rewarded with some sweet gift cards!

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