Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Back to School... Sort of...

So, this school year is not at all what we ever thought we would be doing, but here we are! The kids are all signed up for the Virtual Academy and will be remote learning from home until at least January. We've shopped for "homeschool" supplies, set up our workspaces, made schedules, met our classmates and teachers online, and have now successfully navigated through 2 weeks of orientation and beginning the real stuff this week. It's been quite an adjustment for everyone... especially me! We're getting in our groove though, giving ourselves grace, and determined to do our best at making this a great year in school and at home (which may be in the same building, but we're hoping to enjoy them both separately)!




The teachers have all created their "Bitmoji" classrooms to try and make it fun and welcoming for the kids...



Everyone's schedules look different, but I've finally made my own to follow all three kids, and at least we have an hour together in the middle of the day to check in, regroup and have lunch!


The memes for school are definitely rolling in...


I haven't had a moment to take real back-to-school pictures yet (and everytime I'm ready, no one wants to take them), so these will have to do for now, and we'll see if I can get some done!


Everyone has their own workspaces!


Virtual band is an interesting concept, and it will be even more interesting to see how Emily is going to learn to play the trumpet from her teacher on the computer!


We've been able to try changing it up a bit and learning with friends some days so we're not always alone...


Even if it's a Facetime best friend in the background. I suppose it's better than not seeing anyone!


While I'm managing the school schedules and working with the kids, I'm so glad Brian's working from home too and can pop in to help with math! (Eighth grade math is WAY beyond me...)


Another awesome part of a different schedule these days is that we still get to enjoy the pool after school, and we love getting to go to our friend's new pool!


I might be the only one using the white boards I bought :) They've come in handy for some positive messages and our afternoon "debrief" meetings on the day!


The teachers have been very encouraging, and I hope all the little difficulties in the first couple weeks will disappear and we will have a nice, smooth year ahead!


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Christmas in Long Island

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