It’s been a long few months since we started our kitchen renovation, and it’s been a long 10 years since Mommy & Daddy said they were going to update it, but it’s finally (almost) finished! Except for a few switch plates and moving the bakers rack back in, we have a new kitchen! Take a look back at the LONG process we went through!
The “old” kitchen:

Mommy went to Lowes A LOT to talk to our project designer, and came up with some good ideas together!

Daddy started the ceiling demo in June… what a mess!

We loved helping him rip down the moldings and walls too!

It felt like we were in a cabin in the woods for a while, and the kitchen felt so big! Mommy got pretty good at washing our dishes in the bathroom sink for over a month!

I told you we spent a lot of time at Lowes…

Grandpa & Uncle Kevin came for the 4th of July weekend to help us out with the new sheetrock.

We created A LOT of garbage! Daddy had to get some disposable dumpsters, and I think our garbage men began to not like us so much…

After the spackle man left, we couldn’t wait for the walls to dry so we could help Mommy paint!

After the walls were finished, the floor installer came, and laid the porcelain “hardwood looking” tile. It was beautiful!

Next, Daddy got straight to work on the moldings, and we helped!

Finally the cabinets arrived, and hung out in our garage for two weeks before the installers came…

Time to get to work…

They are beautiful!

Abby loved helping to reorganize all the new space! The cabinets hold so much more now, since they are a whole foot higher!

We had a delay in work, while some new cabinets were ordered to fix a few mistakes, but we finally got the countertops, crown moldings & the backsplash put in!

Mommy finally painted the trim work this weekend, and except for a few missing outlet covers, the bakers rack, and a few wall decorations, we are LOVING our new kitchen! We’re not sure if it will ever be completely “finished”, so we thought we’d share the pictures now since everyone has been wanting to see the finished product! Enjoy, and stop by for a cup of coffee sometime!