We love playing in Mom’s wedding dress, and while we didn’t get all dolled up this time with the veil & fancy hair, it was fun playing dress up again and seeing how much we’ve grown in 4 years! Watch out for more pics… we like to do this A LOT!
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away." - Welcome to our favorite Beach Family moments!
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Monday, June 13, 2016
Just a few cute kids :)
We are loving getting dressed up each Sunday for our new church Sunday school classes, almost as much as Mom loves taking pictures of us a “prettied” up!
Movie in the Park
The new church we have been going to sponsored a Movie in the Park night, where they had pizza, ice cream, games, jumpy houses, face painting, and we watched the movie “Inside Out” on the big screen when it got dark. It was an awesome night, and Ben was in heaven because his new “girlfriend”, Stella was there to watch with him!
The girls were so sweet with their arms around each other to close out an awesome night of fun with family & friends!
Hanging with new friends!
We have made so many new friends here, and we love playing with them everyday! Ben’s best friend is a little boy down the street named Brandon. Ben is actually bigger than some people here!
We have tons of dance parties here, and our friends love them too!
We’ve had some awesome big boxes that all the neighborhood boys like to play in with me!
Mommy came for a special lunch at school with me, and she met some of my friends there!
Hanging out at the pool:
Water balloon fights with our neighbors are awesome when it gets hot out (and it does that a lot!)!
Our “girl” neighbors also invited us over for a doll tea party and some selfie stick shots!
No matter how fun our new friends are, we still have so much fun together!
Last Day of School!
Even though we were hoping to get into year round schools in NC, we didn’t quite make the cut off, so we are officially on summer vacation until the fall!
We’ve grown up so much and have learned a TON this year! Now it’s on to 2nd and 4th grade in the fall!
I got mail!
I got a big envelope in the mail, and all of my friends from my first grade class in NJ wrote me letters to see how the move went, to ask what my new school is like, find out what color my room is, and to tell me they missed me! I have made a lot of new friends here, and love living in NC, but I will miss them all!
Thank you to my class and my favorite teacher, Mrs. Ricker!
Exploring the local “cuisine”!
While the girls were still in school, Mommy & I have been exploring to find the best treats to eat in North Carolina! Did you know that in the South, they give you WAFFLES with your chicken for lunch?!?!?!?!? This is the best thing EVER!
Mommy and I also found the Sonic where we can drive up and they bring ice cream to our car!
But the best find so far was Duck Donuts! They make your donut for you anyway you want it, and it’s still hot! We loved this place so much, we had to take my sisters back!
We can’t wait to spend our summer finding more awesome places to eat!
Wrapping up 2024...
We wrapped up 2024 and began looking forward to the new year with good friends and neighbors... Friend Emily joined our celebration again th...