I’ve been waiting FOREVER to be four and today was finally the day! I went on a special date with Daddy and Abby to the diner for a birthday breakfast and then came back and opened my presents! Then, we headed to Kidnetics for my friend birthday party, and we all had so much fun! After leaving there, Mommy picked up lunch and we headed to the park for a picnic and a play date! We’re planning on going out to dinner to celebrate tonight, and I should be plenty rested, because I passed out from exhaustion as soon as we got home today! Thank you everyone for the cards, calls, gifts & emails!

Mommy & Daddy had decorated last night, so I got to wake up to banners, balloons & more!

I was very excited to get Strawberry Shortcake outfits, Lalaloopsy dolls & sheets, and even my favorite guitar that Abby picked out for me!

I had so much fun at Kidnetics today with Amber, Eli & their siblings! Thanks for coming everyone!

Ben had a blast too! It was his first time being there since he’s learned how to walk, and he LOVED it!

We even celebrated with pink and green cupcakes!

The strawberry lollipops in the goody bags were a big hit!

Kidnetics is EXHAUSTING!!!

It is over 70 degrees here today, so we just had to have a special birthday picnic at the park & have some playtime. We’ve been waiting for weather like this all winter, and it’s finally here!

Thank you everyone for celebrating my birthday with me!