Last year at this time, I was 6 months old, and I was just learning to sit up, starting to play peek-a-boo, I loved my johnny jump-up, and playing with my feet was the coolest thing...

I sure have done alot of growing this year...

Now I'm 18 months old, and these are some of things I'm enjoying these days:
* Climbing, running, "jumping", spinning, clapping, rolling, stamping, dancing... anything that gets me moving!
* Brushing my teeth & "spitting" (this is one of my favorite things these days)!
* Telling mommy when I have a "poopie" diaper (how embarrasing)!
* Talking ALL the time (I have about 50 words that I know & use all by myself, and repeat MANY others... mommy & daddy have to watch out)!
* Doing sign language to let mommy & daddy kow what I want when I can't tell them the word (I've been doing this for months!)
* ANYTHING to do with water... swimming, baths & showers!
* Watching my Baby Einstein sign language video (I bring mommy the remote & say "moo-eee"
* Emptying out my toy bins on the floor and climbing in.
* Playing hide-n-go-seek with daddy & Cody.
* Playing ring-around-the-rosie... I could play this all day!
* Pointing to my body parts: head, tummy, toes, eyes, ears, nose, teeth, etc...
* "Clipping" clips (my high chair, stroller, baby stroller, back pack, lifejacket, etc...) This is DEFINATELY my favorite this to do these days!
* Finally eating some solid foods... but I still don't like vegetables!
* Getting into trouble (mommy and daddy started giving me time-outs this week). They think it's working, but I don't think they get that I LIKE being by myself! I have a blast in "baby jail" for my minute long time-outs!
* My favorite people these days are still mommy, daddy, and of course, Cooo-eeee!
Thanks for watching me grow!... I can't imagine what I'll be up to in another 6 months! Yikes!