"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away." - Welcome to our favorite Beach Family moments!
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Day 3 of bird watching
Monday, May 25, 2015
Day 2 of Mommy’s bird-watching obsession…
Mommy isn’t getting ANYTHING done around here, because these baby birds are too cute to not watch them all day! We’ve named them Sweetie, Stretchy & Yum-Yum… It’s going to be a sad day when they learn how to fly off and leave our family. For now, they love to eat the bugs, caterpillars & worms their mom finds for them, and one of them loves poking his head out from underneath his mom. I think he likes watching us as much as we like watching him…
Sunday, May 24, 2015
We had baby birds!
We have been watching a Momma bird sit on her nest for weeks, and we finally got to see the newly hatched babies last night! Mommy is never going to get anything done again if they don’t grow up soon… they are so much fun to watch!
We even have a little video of them!
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Morning hike with Mommy
Mommy has been doing great with all her FitBit activity challenges, and decided to take it outside to the woods with us this morning! It was a beautiful, crisp morning, and we all had a blast!
The keepers of the map… (Mommy doesn’t have the best sense of direction, so we figured we should follow the map for her!)
There’s our happy, cheery Emily…
We took the children’s trail this morning and followed the trees with the acorns…
The girls were so big helping each other cross the river…
…and they were so proud of themselves when they made it across!
We found little caterpillars EVERYWHERE, and they kept clinging to Mommy’s clothes!
Abigail is getting really good at taking pictures, so Mommy said she’s going to start giving her some photography lessons!
Everybody should go out and enjoy the beautiful day with a hike!
No lions, No tigers, but BEARS… OH MY!!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Summer is on the way!
I had my field trip at the park today with my school and it is 85 degrees out! Mommy braved the pollen to take me for a bit, and I had a blast! I can’t wait until every day is like this!
Wrapping up 2024...
We wrapped up 2024 and began looking forward to the new year with good friends and neighbors... Friend Emily joined our celebration again th...