Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas everyone!

On Christmas Eve morning, we woke up to find that Santa's elf that has been staying at our house since December 1st to keep and eye on us (we named him Pinnochio), left us a note and a present. His note said:

" Dear Abby & Emily,

Tomorrow will be Christmas, and I will be leaving soon. You have been such good girls, and I am so proud of you both! Santa is coming tonight to bring your presents. Since you don't have a chimney, I will stay and let him in. Then, I will fly back to the North Pole with him on his sleigh. I left you a present to help you get ready for tonight. Santa loves milk and sprinkle cookies! Thank you for letting me spend time with you and your family. I'll be back next year to see you again!

Love, Pinnochio"

He left us a really cool plate for Santa's cookies and a mug for his milk to match, so Daddy and I got right to work making his sprinkle cookies!

After we got back from the Christmas Eve service at our church, I loved picking out the perfect cookies to leave for Santa (and eating a few myself) before reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas" & snuggling up for my long winter's nap!

On Christmas morning, we came down and were so excited to see that Santa had come and left so many presents, and even left a few crumbs after having his milk & cookies!

Out of all of the cool gifts there were to tear into, I really wanted Emily to open the first present... the tea party set that I bought special for her with my own money! She loved it, and mommy & daddy were so proud that I was more excited about my giving this year!

Emily LOVED her first Christmas morning, but she enjoyed eating the wrapping paper, bows and presents more than she did playing with them!

Emily also loved her musical ballerina jewlery box that daddy bought for her. I got one too, AND a special necklace this year! Thanks daddy!

I got so many cool gifts, and although I LOVED my princess dolls that I had asked Santa for, I think my favorite gifts were my lolliop and new Dora electric toothbrush! I would take 3 licks of my lollipop and then brush my teeth... over and over again!

After we finished our Christmas morning as a family, Nannie & Grandpa, and Bridget and Kevin came to celebrate too! Nannie & I had a great time decorating the gingerbread house that mommy made for us! I think it turned out beautifully... and it was pretty tasty too!

After our Christmas dinner, we got to open even MORE presents that everyone brought with them! Emily had a blast, and LOVED her mailbox that Aunt Bridget and Uncle Kevin bought her!

Emily loved practicing with all her new hammer toys... she's REALLY good at them! I thought her toys were cool, but I got my own tool bench from Grandpa! Take some Tylenol now mommy... there's going to be a lot of hammering going on at our house!

I got another beautiful Madame Alexander doll from my great-grandparents, and my GG got Emily & I our very own keyboard and computer games for our basement playroom. I can't wait to learn how to use it! I think one of my favorite gifts was the set of Princess figurines and princess suitcase that Aunt Bridget and Uncle Kevin bought for me! I loved taking a nap in the middle of the living room and trying out my new princess blanket, pillow & "tap light"! Thanks!

Aunt Bridget and Uncle Kevin loved spending their first Christmas together as a married couple, and I even gave them a special book of pictures from my flower girl experience at their wedding!
Uncle Kevin also loved his Popcorn machine from us, and I LOVED my Princess Tiana nightgown and shoes from Nannie!

Thanks everyone for an AWESOME Christmas, and Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!

Check out our video of our Christmas celebration! :

Sunday, December 20, 2009


We were supposed to get a really big snow storm last night, but only ended up getting about 6 inches. I didn't care though... playing in the snow with daddy rocks! We should have gone to Nannie & Grandpa's house... they got TWO FEET!!!!


Cody and I had a blast together!

Daddy kept trying to get me with the snow...

...but I got him back!!!!

We don't have a sled right now, so daddy pulled me around on his shovel. I loved it! I'll have to send in a last minute request to Santa for a sled for Christmas!

Thanks for a fun snow day daddy!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I met Santa Clause!

Tonight we went to our library, and guess who was there????? SANTA CLAUSE!!!! I had so many things I wanted to ask him... like how he got to the library from the North Pole, if he knows that Pinnochio is our "Elf on the Shelf", and if he knew what I wanted for Christmas already. I thought it was great sitting on his lap, but I forgot to ask him EVERYTHING in the excitement of the moment! Oh well, I'll have to send him a letter!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Getting ready for a pink party...

My friend Allison invited me to her "pink" birthday party today, and mommy took a few pictures of Emily & I all dressed up before we left. We had a great time, and I LOVED all the pink!


Christmas in Long Island

We packed up the day after Christmas and drove to Long Island to spend a few days with family celebrating the holiday. It's always great...