Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Today was AWSOME!!! I got to dress up as a lion & roar all day long! First, I got to roar at daddy's job, and then again at all the neighbors, when I went to their houses & they gave me CANDY... just for ringing their doorbell! I've decided that "candy" is now my new favorite word, even though I don't even really know what it is, since mommy & daddy ate it all! Happy Halloween everyone!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Me & my mommy

Mommy & I were just having fun hanging out today, and I thought I'd post a few cute pictures.

I like pretending I have a baby in my tummy too!

Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm going to have a sister!!!!

I had a very special day today... I got to go to mommy's doctor's appointment and see the baby in her tummy... on TV!!! The best part was when the doctor said I was going to have a SISTER!!!! I am SO excited, and so are mommy & daddy! She was so busy moving around in there, kicking mommy's tummy & sucking her thumb! Here's a video from the appointment, and a picture of her... mommy says she looks just like I did when I was in her tummy! Enjoy!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Cleaning up the leaves

Daddy & I worked out in the yard today, raking up all the leaves. Mommy thought I'd like playing in them, but being the "neat freak" that I am, I found them yucky, and just wanted to help daddy clean them up instead! He said he was happy to have the "help" though!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It's a beautiful fall day here!

It was a beautiful autumn day here today, so mommy & I went for a little hike in the park by our house. I had a great time climbing on all the rocks, climbing over tree branches, collecting stones & leaves, and of course, posing for a few pictures! Daddy was sad that he didn't get to come with us, but mommy promises he can come next time!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Daddy took me to Chuck E Cheese!

Daddy's been waiting FOREVER to take me to Chuck E Cheese, and we finally got to go last night! I loved the games & some of the rides, but most of all, I loved spending time with my daddy!

The rubber ducky game was DEFINATELY my favorite... I kept running back to play more!

I think I was talking to Chuck E Cheese himself on the phone!

I'm even almost big enough to play air hockey! Mommy says I'm growing up so fast...

Daddy showed me all the stuffed animals that danced on stage while we ate our dinner... he told me he remembered them from when he was little... they must be really old, because they were moving kind of slow!

I was better at throwing the ball in skeeball than I was at rolling it, and it never really made it as far as daddy's did, but I tried!

When we finished playing all our games, we traded in all my tickets I had won for a prize... I won 34 tickets!

There were so many to choose from!

The twisty straw that mommy picked out for me was definately the coolest one there!

We ended our fun trip getting a sketch done of the two of us... I love you daddy!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pumpkin picking!

Today I went pumpkin picking with some of my friends from the MOMS club that mommy & I are a part of. I listened to a lady talk about all different kinds of pumpkins...

I got to ride on a hayride out to the pumpkin patch...

And I even got to pick out my very own pumpkin to take home (it wasn't very big though, because mommy said I had to be able to carry it if i wanted it... she helped me a little bit though)! It was so hard to choose!

Here's a little video of me looking for my "yucky pumpkin"...

Abby's summer is off to a pretty sweet start!

Abby's summer is off to a great start this year! She spent a great evening out with good friends at the Chappelle Roan concert, and then...