Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is AWSOME!!! There are so many fun costumes & TONS of candy! I dressed up like a little ladybug this year and went to my Nannie & Grandpa's house to go trick-or-treating! Cody even dressed up as a lady bug too! I can't wait until I'm older when I can actually EAT the candy!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Something new...

MMNNNN.... This thing looks pretty cool... what's it for???

OH... it keeps me out of trouble? What a bummer!

Wait a minute... There's got to be something I can do with this...

YEAH!!! I can use it to stand all by myself!! WOO HOO!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

A hike in the woods

Today I took a VERY short hike in the woods to see the colorful leaves. I enjoyed being in the backpack, but it was getting so cold, that my nose started running, and mommy said it was time to leave. I like hiking with daddy better... he lets me stay out longer! Hopefully next weekend will be warmer so we can go again!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Mommy made me take a bath after dinner tonight... I wonder why!?!?!? I just LOVE bathtime... especially when daddy pours water over my head! Woohoo!!!!!

Cody gets very jealous that I have a cool squeak toy to play with in the tub, so she's always trying to take it from me!

I can feed myself

I haven't been a very good eater these days. Everytime mommy or daddy gives me a spoonful of something gross, I shake my head no, grunt really loud, and clamp my mouth shut. So, they thought maybe I'd like to feed myself... I don't think I did that bad, but I went straight from the dinner table to the bath tub...

My doctor check-up

I went for my 9-month check up today, and the doctor said I'm perfect! I was busy showing her how good I sit up, play with my toys, eat cheerios & say ma-ma! I now weigh 16 pounds, 11 ounces (which is in the 25th %), I am 27 inches tall (the 20th %), and my head is 18 inches (the 90%). No wonder mommy can't get any sweaters over my head! The doctor says it must be all the learning I'm doing that's making my brain so big... I kind of think it's just the Beach head that I got! Oh... and I got a cool band-aid where I got my flu shot! I know mommy was having a hard time about my shot, so I didn't cry at all, and she felt better! It's no big deal mom!

Monday, October 22, 2007

I LOVE autumn!

I love autumn... eating pumpkins and playing with wet leaves... what could possibly be more fun than this?!?!?

Get this off of me!

My Nannie knit me such a pretty sweater & hat that is am looking forward to wearing this fall and winter... well, maybe not the hat as much. Sorry Nannie!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pumpkin picking...

I had so much fun this weekend! I went out to Long Island, and we took our 1st annual trip to the pumpkin picking farm! There was a petting zoo, tractors to play on, pumpkins to pick, a hayride, and even wine tasting for the grown-ups! It was so warm, but mommy made me wear my fall sweater for good pictures, so I hope you appreciate my sacrifice! I can't wait to go again next year...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

It's raining, it's pouring

Who wouldn't have a blast in the rain with this fun raincoat?!?! I loved the polka dots the most!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mommy's little helper

Don't I look like I'm being helpful?!?!?

Oh... Cheerios!

Today was the day... I tried Cheerios! Mommy says all babies go through this right of passage, but she thinks I did an exceptional job! I LOVE them! (The box was pretty cool too)!

Happy 4th Birthday Ozzy!

We had a little puppy party for Ozzy's birthday since we were watching Ozzy & Luna's friend, Dierks, for the weekend, and I thin...