Monday, June 28, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lost blog entry

Last month, mommy dressed us up for some pictures that didn’t come out so great, so she decided not to post them. However, she’s been learning a lot about editing her pictures, and after some work, they turned out a little better! So, here’s our few favorites from our little photo shoot in the park!

-Abby & Emily


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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

For Father's Day this year, I took my daddy and my grandpa on a special canoe trip down the Deleware River. It was a BEAUTIFUL day, and we had a blast! Mommy, Nannie & Emily dropped us off & got to do some shopping before meeting us a few miles down the river where we all chilled out and had a picnic!


When we all met up on the otherside, the girls got to go out on the canoe for a ride too! Emily didn't like it so much... maybe next year!

I also got to do a little swimming in the river! Daddy was so proud of how well I can swim with my face under the water!

We had our picnic under a beautiful tree by the river, and we could have stayed there all day!

Happy Father's Day daddy! We love you!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

One more time...

We went back to Sesame Place again this weekend one more time JUST for Uncle Kevin... and guess what he did????? He was SO brave and went on the super scary "Super Grover" roller coaster with me! He doesn't like them very much, but he came through in the end, and did it for me! Thanks for being so brave Uncle Kevin, and for making some wonderful memories! I had a blast with you, and I think you're a pretty cool guy!


It was a warm day again, and we all got to have a splashing good time in the pools and on the waterslides. MOMMY even went on them this time! This place ROCKS!

Next amusement park stop is DISNEY with Nannie, Grandpa, Aunt Bridget and Uncle Kevin next month... stay tuned for some great pictures!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Petting farm fun

Now that I'm walking, life is SO much cooler! We went to a petting farm near our house today with some friends from the MOMS club, and I think I loved it even more than my sister did! If I'd known walking was going to be this awesome, I would have done it months ago!


We fed goats, sheep, bunnies & horses, and got to see and pet many others!

I liked the bunnies the best!

The huge sandbox they had was pretty cool too!

I loved racing tractors with my friend Amber! Neither one of us made it very far until our mommies pushed us...

I am a real ham these days... mommy LOVES having a kid that likes looking at the camera again!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Back to Sesame Place

We got to go back to Sesame Place this weekend with Aunt Bridget! I was SO excited this time, because it was SO hot, and we got to spend the day on all the water rides! It was my first time playing in the pools there, and I LOVED every minute of it!


I LOVED the sprinklers that constantly sprayed water on us!

Abby, Aunt Bridget and Daddy went down a huge water slide in a big tube... they looked scared, but they had a blast!

I waded around in the pool while daddy & Abby stood under the big bucket that dumped water on them! It looked too crazy under there for me... maybe next year!

Then, we finally got dry and got to go on my favorite ride... the carousel!

Of course, my daredevil sister had to get a couple of runs in on the rollercoaster too! Aunt Bridget got to go with her, and said it was really cool... but we can't wait until Uncle Kevin feels brave enough to come and do it too!

We can't wait to go back again really soon!

Abby's last high school homecoming

Abby enjoyed her last high school homecoming dance with her friends, and it was extra special since it had to double as her senior prom sinc...