Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I wanted to share a few pictures of my exciting Christmas at my Nannie & Grandpa's house this year...

I LOVED the Christmas tree, and especially liked "rearranging" the ornaments!

It was SO hard not to tear into the presents until Christmas morning...

My Grandpa bought me a "BIG" Christmas cookie, and I LOVED it! Thanks Grandpa!

Daddy got a cool helicopter from Grandpa, and I LOVED watching the "hairpain up high"!

Nannie & Grandpa bought me my very own kitchen... it's going to be perfect in my new playroom (when it's done :)), and it even has a place for me to do the laundry... my favorite chore!!!

I think the best gift this year was my new vanity set, and all my dress-up accessories to go with it... I loved playing with my cousins set in Michigan, and mommy & daddy thought I might like my own... they sure were right! I love dressing up like a princess & blow-drying my hair!

I even wore my new heels around the house, and helped Santa get dressed up!

When we got home last night, I helped daddy put together my vanity, and I had so much fun dressing up my new doll from Aunt Bridget, and my new Elmo from my GG! I think they looked beautiful!

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

My snow fort is awesome!

My daddy is the coolest! He spent my whole naptime outside building me a cool snow fort with a tunnel to play in when I woke up. He had even built a luge at the end of my slide, and a special slide out of the window of my clubhouse. I had a blast today!

Daddy tried to go through the tunnel too, but he got a little stuck...

I had to help him out a little bit...

Thanks for another super cool day together daddy!

Friday, December 19, 2008


We're getting a big snow storm here today, and I'm having so much fun! I only went outside for a few minutes because it was so cold, but I had such a blast playing with Cody and daddy. He even showed me how to make snowballs to throw at mommy!

I enjoyed it so much that I REALLY didn't want to go inside...

Here's a little video of my first real snowstorm adventure!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I can sing my ABC's & say my 123's!!!

I have a video to show you all so you can see how smart I'm getting these days! (You'll have to excuse the morning hair & the closeness to the camera, but I like to watch myself on camera, and mommy has to take what she can get these days... Mommy also says to please excuse her singing voice... it was early this morning, and she hadn't had her coffee yet!) She and daddy are so proud of me for learning how to count and say my ABC's before I even turn 2!!!!! (Well, I'm CLOSE to knowing them all!)

This could be why I'm learning so much...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas pictures

My mommy decided she was too tired this year to try and run around after me, getting a good Christmas picture... So, she decided to take me somewhere to have someone else do it for her! I surprised her by being VERY good, and she was very happy with the pictures this year. I had a good time too! Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Emmy's 20 week ultrasound

I went to mommy's doctor last night and got to see my baby sister, "Emmy", on TV again! She was wiggling all over the place, and I think she even waved to me! Mommy helped me put together some pictures and a video to share, but she wanted to warn everyone that part of it is in 3D, and looks kind of creepy. Emmy weighs almost a pound already, but still looks kind of "skeletal", and the ultrasound angles make it look like she's missing parts of her head... but I PROMISE they are all there! I saw them myself! I think she's kinda cute... ENJOY!

Here's a little video of the ultrasound, and of me "listening" to Emmy's heart with my new doctor's kit!:

Here's my mommy at 5 months... she says she feels huge already!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanks Uncle Ry-Ry!

Thank you to my Uncle Ry-Ry for letting me borrow the train set he had when he was little! I LOVE playing with it... especially the bridges and tunnels!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving in Michigan

I got to spend my Thanksgiving this year in Michigan with all of my mommys' family! I was just getting over the flu, so I had a bit of a slow start, with a lots of rest time & a little "crankiness"...

... but I quickly got into the swing of things & started helping to decorate the house for our holiday celebrations...

I couldn't help but stop often and play with my FAVORITE toy of the weekend... my cousins' vanity table & hair accessories. I loved giving myself haircuts, Alayna loved fixing my hair, and Uncle Ry-Ry even let me blow dry his!

The day after Thanksgiving, we had an early Christmas celebration, which we started with a "parade" around all of our presents!!!!

I was more into eating goldfish & playing with my cousins toys than opening my own, but I eventually got into that too...

I got to dance with "Mey-Mey" all dressed up in her new princess gown! I think I want to be a princess someday too!

The best part of this weekend was definately playing with my new "baby" friend, Julia! We were best buddies!

(Maybe we were a little too close at times, because she ended up getting sick after I left)... Sorry Julia!

I had a blast with all of my cousins!

Thank you Uncle Aaron, "Jenna", "Mey-Mey", "Layna", and "Baby" for a great time!

Christmas in Long Island

We packed up the day after Christmas and drove to Long Island to spend a few days with family celebrating the holiday. It's always great...