I got to spend my Thanksgiving this year in Michigan with all of my mommys' family! I was just getting over the flu, so I had a bit of a slow start, with a lots of rest time & a little "crankiness"...

... but I quickly got into the swing of things & started helping to decorate the house for our holiday celebrations...
I couldn't help but stop often and play with my FAVORITE toy of the weekend... my cousins' vanity table & hair accessories. I loved giving myself haircuts, Alayna loved fixing my hair, and Uncle Ry-Ry even let me blow dry his!

The day after Thanksgiving, we had an early Christmas celebration, which we started with a "parade" around all of our presents!!!!
I was more into eating goldfish & playing with my cousins toys than opening my own, but I eventually got into that too...
I got to dance with "Mey-Mey" all dressed up in her new princess gown! I think I want to be a princess someday too!

The best part of this weekend was definately playing with my new "baby" friend, Julia! We were best buddies!

(Maybe we were a little too close at times, because she ended up getting sick after I left)... Sorry Julia!
I had a blast with all of my cousins!
Thank you Uncle Aaron, "Jenna", "Mey-Mey", "Layna", and "Baby" for a great time!
The picture with all four girls lined up is adorable... Looks like she had a great time.
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I love the pics of all the girls...you can hardly tell them all apart. You look awesome at 5 months- not huge at all (for huge see me at 9 months+, I am a whale).
Love ya all and hope you have a great holiday season!
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