I sure have done alot of growing this year...
Now I'm 18 months old, and these are some of things I'm enjoying these days:
* Climbing, running, "jumping", spinning, clapping, rolling, stamping, dancing... anything that gets me moving!
* Brushing my teeth & "spitting" (this is one of my favorite things these days)!
* Telling mommy when I have a "poopie" diaper (how embarrasing)!
* Talking ALL the time (I have about 50 words that I know & use all by myself, and repeat MANY others... mommy & daddy have to watch out)!
* Doing sign language to let mommy & daddy kow what I want when I can't tell them the word (I've been doing this for months!)
* ANYTHING to do with water... swimming, baths & showers!
* Watching my Baby Einstein sign language video (I bring mommy the remote & say "moo-eee"
* Emptying out my toy bins on the floor and climbing in.
* Playing hide-n-go-seek with daddy & Cody.
* Playing ring-around-the-rosie... I could play this all day!
* Pointing to my body parts: head, tummy, toes, eyes, ears, nose, teeth, etc...
* "Clipping" clips (my high chair, stroller, baby stroller, back pack, lifejacket, etc...) This is DEFINATELY my favorite this to do these days!
* Finally eating some solid foods... but I still don't like vegetables!
* Getting into trouble (mommy and daddy started giving me time-outs this week). They think it's working, but I don't think they get that I LIKE being by myself! I have a blast in "baby jail" for my minute long time-outs!
* My favorite people these days are still mommy, daddy, and of course, Cooo-eeee!
Thanks for watching me grow!... I can't imagine what I'll be up to in another 6 months! Yikes!
Look at how much she has changed. I am also working on my 18 mth post... but I have until the 13th.
She looks just like you in that pic!
Abby, You need to update your "favorite things list". You are growing up so fast it out of date already. --Daddy
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