Saturday, November 3, 2012

One traumatic night…

After losing our power from Hurricane Sandy, we decided to pack up and head to Nannie & Grandpa’s house for a few days, where they miraculously had power to share with us! A few minutes after arriving, everyone was saying their hellos (even Bridget, Kevin, Liam & Shamus were there), when I went to give Cody a hug, and she got scared with all of the chaos. She made a REALLY BAD choice, and bit me above my eye, and I had to go to the emergency room. After finding our way there around several roads closed from the storms, we met the plastic surgeon who would have to stitch me up because of the type of bite it was. There was no skin left to close the wound easily, so I would have been left with a pretty bad scar if it was left for an ER doctor to try and close with superficial sutures. We were VERY fortunate that the head of plastic surgery was on call that night!


Even 5 days after this happened, mommy has a hard time telling the story, because it was pretty upsetting for everyone. They had to tie my hands and wrap me in a “papoose” (which they do for all kids) so that I wouldn’t move too much during the procedure. I was ok with that, until they put the sterile drape over my face and I couldn’t see mommy & daddy anymore. I REALLY started freaking out when the doctor started giving me numbing injections right in my cut! I cried the whole time, even though mommy tried REALLY hard to keep me talking about anything she could think of. I managed a few conversations about Halloween, chocolate ice cream and strawberry donuts with sprinkles in between my screams of pain and fear. The doctor closed my wound from the inside out, so it took him LOTS of stitches (mommy & daddy would guess about 50)!


The scariest part of the whole experience is when the doctor was about 2/3rds of the way done, and the hospitals’ power went out! We didn’t know it before, but they had already lost power from the storm, and were running on generators, so when the generators failed, the “back-up” generator didn’t restore full power to the hospital. I laid under my sterile drape, screaming in the dimly lit room, until mommy managed to get the nurse to lift it up a little bit so I could see her from the side. I started to calm down a little bit, and about 5 minutes later, the doctor came back in and said, “I found some back-up lights so we can finish!” Then he handed daddy a flashlight and asked him to shine it on my eye so he could finish sewing me up. Mommy thought she was going to pass out at this point! When I was all done, the doctor put on a REALLY big bandage, that will take many days to come off, but everyone was so proud of me. Even though there was a lot of scary moments & quite a bit of crying, I managed to stay still enough so that they didn’t need to put me under general anesthesia to fix me up. Mommy & Daddy were VERY grateful for that!


I have been recovering VERY well, with no pain, and I’m even getting used to my big band-aid on my face! It’s too bad I had already planned to be Alice in Wonderland for Halloween, because I would have made a perfect mummy!


As for Cody, she will sadly, no longer be our family dog, and she is staying at Nannie & Grandpa’s house until we decide where the best place for her to go would be. She was a great dog for us, and we loved her very much, but Mommy & Daddy won’t allow her back home after the bad choice she made. We will miss her, but we’ll be ok, and we are glad to know something like that won’t happen again. We are all very grateful that nothing worse happened, and we hope she will be safe and happy wherever she ends up living.

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