Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A busy week…

We’ve just returned from our family vacation to Great Wolf Lodge, our cousins house in Michigan to celebrate Thanksgiving, and a stop over in Niagara Falls! We’ve been really busy, and are glad to finally be home and sleeping in our own beds for a change! We hope you enjoy all SEVEN blog entries mommy made about our trip! We can’t believe how much went on while we were gone!

Emily’s trip to the ER (Again…) http://blog.beachfamily.us/2012/11/another-trip-to-er.html

First stop: Great Wolf Lodge! http://blog.beachfamily.us/2012/11/first-stop-great-wolf-lodge.html

A trip to the petting zoo with our cousins http://blog.beachfamily.us/2012/11/the-critter-barn.html

Abby’s exciting news http://blog.beachfamily.us/2012/11/the-tooth-fairy-made-stop-at-our-house.html

Our Thanksgiving Celebration http://blog.beachfamily.us/2012/11/thanksgiving-day.html

Early Christmas Celebration http://blog.beachfamily.us/2012/11/an-early-christmas-in-michigan.html

Niagara Falls http://blog.beachfamily.us/2012/11/niagara-falls.html


**Addendum**: I have to make an honorable mention of the fact that we also got to spend some fun time with Grandpa Hawk and Grandma Nancy, but unfortunately, I didn’t get any pictures to prove it Sad smile Sorry Dad & Nancy… We had a great time with you all anyways- pictures or no pictures!

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