Sunday, August 6, 2023

Happy 12th Birthday Ben!

It is hard to believe, but this baby of mine is beginning his last year before he becomes a teenager! How in the world has time flown by this fast?!?!?!?!?!?!? 
Happy birthday buddy... You bring our family so much energy, laughs and joy!

As always, there was a lot of excitement over presents this year!

I think he thought the dogs' gift was embarrassing...

The smart water was a hit though!

Ben's birthday dinner request was to bring Uncle Ryan to his favorite restaurant, Alpaca!

And his request for "Nothing Bundt Cakes" for dessert was made even better with Uncle Ryan's first experience with a drone food delivery in our backyard!

Happy birthday Ben!

The day after his REAL birthday, we had a fun party to celebrate Ben at the neighborhood pool with lots of friends and neighbors... It was a blast!

The little neighbors LOVED having Uncle Ryan there to play with!

After the pool and back in the driveway, we ordered pizza, opened presents, hung out & shot A LOT of black flies with Brian's "A-SALT" rifle!


There were quite a few beautiful handmade cards this year!!!!

Some of the chocolate bars Ben got weren't able to stand up to the August heat in NC...

Thank you to everyone for making Ben's birthday celebrations extra special!

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