Friday, February 3, 2012

5 Years Old!

The day I have been waiting patiently for has finally arrived! I am 5 YEARS OLD now!!!!! I have been SO excited for this birthday, and mommy & daddy can’t believe how big I’ve gotten! They say I am full of energy, very creative, caring & responsible, a WONDERFUL big sister, an amazing help to mommy, very independent, and my excitement to learn new things makes it so much fun for them! I am looking forward to so much this year… especially starting KINDERGARTEN in the fall! I had a very special day, and wanted to thank everyone who called, skyped and sent cards & gifts! I felt VERY loved! Thank you!

-The five-year-old of the house


Mommy and daddy hung a ton of balloons up on the stairs for me to walk through when I woke up! They were so fun, but the best part of it was that they were PINK!


Daddy bought me the most beautiful flowers!


Daddy stayed home for breakfast this morning so we could have donuts together, and open all of my presents before having my cupcake tea party at school! I loved everything, but my favorites were my Barbie ballerina doll from Emily & my “Abigail” bunny and book set that I got from Mor-Mor. Thanks!



At exactly 4:02, after having my own VERY exciting celebration of my ACTUAL birth time, I decided now that I was 5, I could try my first sewing project that mommy and daddy bought for me. It was fun, but sewing takes a LONG time, so I got bored pretty quickly… Maybe when I’m 5 1/2 I’ll stick with it more…



The best surprise of the night was when Nannie showed up at my door! I thought I was opening it for the UPS man, and there she was! Can you believe she even sewed me a beautiful pink dress with purple flowers?!?!? We picked out the pattern together a few weeks ago, and she actually made it into a beautiful dress for me!!! Thanks Nannie!


Mommy decided to start a new birthday tradition with us, and play “20 Questions” to see what our interests are each year! I loved it, and had my own answer for each one! I can’t wait to see what my answers will be next year!

20 questions Abby 2012

Thanks for a special day, and stay tuned for pictures from my very special kid party I will be having on Saturday!


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