I started soccer today, and it was AMAZING! My coach was so cool, and he didn’t care how many times we ran the wrong way, fell over the ball, picked our noses or sat down in the middle of the field! As long as we were having fun, so was he! I was exhausted after all the exercise and could hardly walk to the car, but I can’t wait to go back again next week!

High fives for the coach!

Time for some stretching and jumping jacks!

Well, we tried, anyway…

Onto the game of catch the coach…

Who’s played soccer before?????

Time to grab a ball and show off our skills!

Learning how to dribble the ball slowly is harder than it looks…

And learning how to stand like this is DEFINITELY not easy!

Kicking, on the other hand, came quite naturally to me!

Stopping the ball isn’t so easy either…

And falling down is just a hazard of the sport, Mommy says…

But it’s important to always get back up…

Good thing we got a lot of water breaks… we were exhausted from all that falling down!

We learned how to use our feet strategically in a few games that were NOT easy to do, but I figured them out when I focused…

We all did a great job listening to our coach’s instructions…

It was time to play “sleeping giant”… We had to quietly dribble our ball to the coach who was sleeping, and if he woke up, we had to freeze. If he got up and starting coming after us, we had to kick our balls back to the start line. The operative word here was to go to him “quietly” so he wouldn’t wake up… I didn’t get that memo…

Now it was out turn to be the sleeping giants…

It was finally time to play a real game! I’m not sure how I got stuck being the goalie, but my team all stuck together, so it worked out fine.

A little nose-picking on the field never hurt anyone…

I held my ground and didn’t let a single ball go in our net! To be honest, none of the balls even came close, but I did my job!

Soccer isn’t ALWAYS, a high-action sport when you’re 4 years old…

Water break!

I decided to leave the goal and play the game a bit…

While the child behind me was crying because someone scored a goal, I thought I’d sneak past and make my goal…

It was looking great for me, since I was all alone out there!

However, even without a single goalie, I managed to completely miss the net… and I honestly wasn’t even trying to get it in. My ball goes where it wants to go, and I was thrilled!

It was a great day, and we had a great team cheer to end the day…

“We love Kiddie Soccer!”