Saturday, August 6, 2022

Happy 11th Birthday Ben!

I can't believe my baby is already 11 years old! We had an awesome time celebrating him this year!

He decided he wanted to start at the beginning of August with one birthday present a day so we could stretch it out as long as possible... Thank goodness he was born on the 5th!

Day 1: Dad was here before leaving on a business trip so we did his big present, which was shorts! He was expecting them and VERY thankful!

We also threw in his ACTUAL big present which was a new gaming computer, and I'm honestly not sure which one he liked more!

Day 2: Emily's turn to give a nerf football for the pool & a new Fox shirt!

Day 3: I was at Mor-Mor's house for a quick visit, but I didn't miss it, thanks to Facetime! Today was Nannie's day with some Minecraft Legos & a Minecraft plush toy!

Day 4: Abby day with the surprisingly awesome gift of a salt lamp for his room (he MAY or may not have tried licking it :()

Day 5: Today was the actual birthday celebration & it started with donuts and coffee for breakfast...

Followed by a trip to Target to spend Bridget's $ on some awesome water guns, and to get a MUCH needed haircut for his party the next day!

Lunch was a stop for ice cream at Mama Birds...

When we got back, we started decorating for his party and opened up the rest of his gifts! He loved his arctic fox pillow from the dogs!


We topped off his super healthy birthday meals with waffles and ice cream for dinner!

What could be better than ending you birthday with a sleepover with the dogs in Mom's bed, surrounded by all your favorite foxes?!?!?!?

The next day was party day! He wanted a gaming/outdoor party and we ended up with 35 people over to celebrate the big day!

The gym was turned into a gaming room for Fortnight squads...

The dads even had a few squad games (with some help from the kids)!

There were other activities to enjoy such as pool, badminton, water balloon & water gun fights, and of course, a swim in the hot tub!


We enjoyed some MONSTER pizzas, snacks & Krispy Kreme donuts for dessert!

Luna thought she'd hide in the gym and enjoy some pizza too...

Our friends were very generous with their gifts, and thank you to everyone who game out to celebrate our big guy!

Thank you to everyone for coming out to celebrate, and we hope you had an amazing birthday, Ben!

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