Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Well, this year's St. Patrick's Day celebration was a little different for us... We added a few more friends to our "Drunk crew" with new t-shirts, but we never expected to not really be able to hang out like we used to. With COVID-19 heading our way, and talk of "social distancing" coming in our direction, we decided not to celebrate at Bombshell brewery this year, and distanced ourselves a bit on our own street. We were even missing our "Drunk #1" this year, but she took her own picture at home so I could photoshop her into our celebration!

Little did we know that and elbows-width apart wasn't going to be enough in the coming days...

Our last few moments being "close" before we really knew how much social distancing we were going to need to do...

Even our snacks were individually wrapped this year so we didn't share germs...

Brian added a new element to celebrating too... He had gum grafting oral surgery a couple days before our celebration, so in order to try to have a drink with us, he had to use a medicine syringe... It didn't work that well for him, but he tried and he was a trooper! This was quite a year of crazy celebrating!

Since the weather turned pretty cold, and we suffered outside as long as possible, we decided to move the party to the basement since there was only an order banning 100+ people together at the time. I made sure Abby explained her science fair project to everyone who entered our home though, and little did I know, but that would be the last night for a while that we would have anyone over... :( 

It was a good "goodbye-for-a-while" send off, and ended like it usually does... with Nick asleep at the bar!

 Luckily for us, he rallied and made us one last breakfast outside (it's become almost a weekly tradition and reminds me of our Maine "pan-outs")... Complete with green eggs and green pancakes for St. Patrick's Day!

For the REAL St. Patrick's Day, school was already cancelled, and we had already moved to not leaving the house, but I managed to get some killer green Krispy Kreme donuts delivered hot to our doorstep for breakfast... of course with a Clorox wipe down before digging in!

We hope you all had a wonderful "socially-distanced" St. Patrick's Day celebration!

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