Thursday, June 16, 2011

Abby’s last day of preschool…

Mommy’s very sad today, as it was my last day of preschool until I start up again in September… I’ve had so much fun at Grandma Worthing’s this year, and have learned so much! I have mastered all of my letters (both reading and writing), am excelling at some pretty high counting these days, have gotten VERY good at my cutting and coloring, LOVE trying to do math & rhyming, and am getting ready to start reading a few words! I can’t wait to go back in the fall and see what else I can learn!

- Abby

Here are pictures from my first and last days of this school year… I’ve grown up so much!

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We had a special picnic at Grandma Worthing’s for the last day of school, and all of the moms & siblings got to come along too!




We also all brought our bathing suits and had so much fun in the sprinklers & the waterslide… especially Emily, who stole the show, as usual on the waterslide!







I wasn’t too sure about the waterslide again…


… but going down with all of my friends & Abby Connor’s dad made it pretty fun!



Thanks for a great year Grandma Worthing!

Group shot

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