Sunday, December 19, 2010

Our “first” Christmas celebration

This morning we had our family Christmas celebration and exchanged gifts with each other. Since we’re going to Chicago for Christmas this year, we decided to have a quiet morning with just the four of us. Everyone had such a giving spirit… especially Abby, who wanted us all to open the presents that she got for us first!



Emily LOVED her new shopping cart, and she had the pantry emptied out in no time!

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We each got Disney ornaments from mommy to remember our trip to Disney World this past summer!


Abby picked these gifts out for mommy all by herself, and mommy loved them!


Abby LOVED her new MobiGo & couldn’t wait to try it out on the car trip to Chicago!

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Both girls loved Emily’s gift to Abby this year… a super cool marble run! I’m not sure who had more fun… the girls, or daddy!


Stay tuned for our next celebration in Chicago!

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