I LOVED the Christmas tree, and especially liked "rearranging" the ornaments!
It was SO hard not to tear into the presents until Christmas morning...
My Grandpa bought me a "BIG" Christmas cookie, and I LOVED it! Thanks Grandpa!
Daddy got a cool helicopter from Grandpa, and I LOVED watching the "hairpain up high"!
Nannie & Grandpa bought me my very own kitchen... it's going to be perfect in my new playroom (when it's done :)), and it even has a place for me to do the laundry... my favorite chore!!!
I think the best gift this year was my new vanity set, and all my dress-up accessories to go with it... I loved playing with my cousins set in Michigan, and mommy & daddy thought I might like my own... they sure were right! I love dressing up like a princess & blow-drying my hair!