Tuesday, March 28, 2023

I'm back to teaching!

I am finally back to teaching childbirth classes after Covid, and this time I'm doing it virtually! There's been a lot to learn on the technology side of things, and there have definitely been a few hiccups along the way with the process, but my first series is finally over and it went great! Thank you to everyone who helped practice my zoom calls, have taken my online quizzes, and who have been so encouraging along the way!

Friday nights with neighbors even became zoom call feature adventures!


The set up each week for my first series looked a bit like this, and I'll see what changes when I try it again!

While I got ready for class one evening, Emily showed off her knowledge of the birthing process & pretended to teach... I was quite impressed! This girl knows her dilation and anatomy very well!

Yup... Your cervix ACTUALLY becomes the size of a bagel before the baby is born- I don't teach it quite the same way as she does though...

She even showed off her swaddling techniques after the baby was born!

My first series went great, and I'm looking forward to starting another one in a couple of weeks!

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