Saturday, May 15, 2021

Busch Gardens 2021

Now that the adults are vaccinated against Coronavirus, we decided to go to Williamsburg with Nannie & Grandpa to have a day of fun at Busch Gardens! It was a beautiful day filled with lots of fun and great memories!

Last time we went, Emily refused to ride the LochNess monster, but she conquered her old fears and loved it this time around!

Grandpa was happy to have a pacemaker that kept him off the big rides, but he still had fun... especially driving the "monster trucks" with Ben!

Ben even went on the Invader again! (He forgot how much he hated it last time, and this time was no better!)

While the rest of us did a few more coasters, Ben and Grandpa hung out at the giant playground... Ben still loves climbing and exploring!

One of the favorite rides for all the kids were the high swings again!

Ironically, the bumper cars was almost the only ride with a wait, and we're not sure it was quite worth it...

Look how much these kids have grown in 3 years since we were here last!

Grandpa went on one thrill ride with the girls, and they got tossed all over the place!

Nannie went on 6 of the big coasters! We're so proud of how brave she was, and she even lost her sunglasses on one of them... Can you find them in the picture (and the lens that popped out????)

Abby and Mom went on the last coaster of the day alone... twice! The Griffon is definitely terrifying, and not everyone was up for it, but it made for good memories, and with it, we managed to ride ALL 7 big coasters!

We had an awesome day, and were so glad we could spend it with Nannie & Grandpa too!

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