Monday, December 21, 2020

A different kind of Christmas Season with friends...

This year we had to adapt our Christmas celebrations with friends to the rules of the Coronavirus pandemic, but we made some safe celebrating happen!

We started with a trip to the movies! Did you know that you can rent a WHOLE theatre to yourself and invite up to 20 of your closest friends to socially distance and enjoy an old holiday classic? We chose the movie "Elf", and LOVED having the theatre to ourselves!

We also couldn't do our cookie party and gift exchange in our cozy house this year, but a rainy driveway and cold garage kept us outside and continuing the celebration! This year, we hid our gifts to each other around the block and everyone had to find their own present! We also enjoyed some Christmas cookies and Grinch punch with our close quarantine friends!

Santa even drove through the neighborhood on a float to spread a little socially distanced holiday cheer!

We also went through a drive-thru Christmas light show with friends! It wasn't too impressive, and we wish we could have been able to walk through it, but Corona had other plans... At least we got in the Christmas spirit with some lights and music!

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