We had 24 people here for Christmas this year, and although it was a full house and Mommy was sick, we had a great time, and hope everyone else did too!

Abby and Julia had an amazing spa with massages and homemade sugar hand scrubs! That was just want Mommy needed to relax!

Aunt Kristie helped everyone make a homemade chocolate birthday cake to celebrate Jesus’s birthday!

We LOVED sharing our amazing Duck Donuts with our cousins!

…and we enjoyed many meals together!

We even had the Mr. Softee ice cream truck come by on Christmas Eve! Living in the South is awesome!

There was quite a bit of entertainment to keep us busy…

And time for resting and visiting too…

We had a big gift exchange which More-Mor kicked off with journals for the ladies and candy for the guys…

Mommy loved her special cup from Aunt Kristie!

And it seemed like cousin Brett genuinely liked his Potty Piano… but who wouldn’t love one of those???

The next afternoon, we had a white elephant gift exchange, and some of the gifts Mor-Mor brought were real winners!

Emily loved the first thing she picked…

…until it got taken away and she ended up with an Angry Momma microwave cleaner and an adjustable leather belt… She wasn’t thrilled…

Ben didn’t get the game and why the gifts were so bad…

Some gifts like this toe scrubber on a pole were hard to get rid of…

Who doesn’t want Poo-pourri????

We should get one of these anti-snoring chin straps for Grandpa!

Some things we just couldn’t figure out…

…and some we just didn’t want to…

There were a few winners in the group, and we all had a good time…

Thank you Mor-Mor for organizing everything!