Thursday, June 18, 2015

Kindergarten Graduation

I can’t believe I’ve graduated from Kindergarten! I’ve had an AWESOME year learning to read and write (I finished ALL of my Dick and Jane anthology and am on Level D), making so many new friends, and spending time with the best teacher in the world… Mrs. Dunlop! She said I did a great job and was a “Super Smartie”! I’m looking forward to my summer vacation, but I can’t wait to see what I learn next year in first grade!



Remember back to my first day of school??? I’ve grown up so much this year!


We had a special graduation celebration and Mommy & Daddy got to come and hear me read and sing some songs!


We got to pick whatever poem we wanted to read, and of course I picked the one about poop! Mommy & Daddy weren’t surprised…

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I read it nice and loud so everyone could hear! You can watch my reading in Mommy’s slideshow she made below…

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After we all read, we performed a few songs we had prepared for our parents, and I was quite the energetic one…

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I was very proud to receive my diploma from Mrs. Dunlop!


She put together a slideshow of our school year, and Mommy took out the pictures of me, added a bunch more and made her own slideshow! Check it out and try not to cry!


I loved our teachers helper this year too… Miss Grenci!


Mrs. Dunlop couldn’t have been a more perfect teacher for my first year of school! Thank you!



Can you believe my teacher’s comments on my report card???? Apparently, my behavior “set the standard for our class”! Mommy & Daddy are shocked…



I’m moving up in the world now!

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