For my last birthday celebration this year, I got to have my best friend, Ava, come over for my very first sleepover party! We played games, played Minecraft, had a scavenger hunt, watched movies, baked in my EZ Bake oven, had ice cream sundaes, a late night sushi snack & went to bed after MIDNIGHT! Mommy is exhausted today, but we had a blast!

Mommy made all kinds of cool Minecraft decorations in the basement!

Ava knew I love to bake and cook, so her gift of a baking set was the perfect thing for me!

After opening our goodie bags, Ben INSISTED that he wanted this candy… So Daddy let him try it…

We watched some Minecraft videos to help us build up our boards…

Ava was very impressed with my building skills…

We had an awesome time doing some Frozen karaoke too!

Mommy surprised us with an awesome scavenger hunt, where we had to collect all the ingredients to build our ice cream sundaes! Some of the clue were pretty hard!

We thought this clue was pretty funny when we finally figured it out!

Thank goodness for tall friends!!!

We got so many awesome ingredients for our sundaes, and it was hard to choose a favorite!

We couldn’t wait to bake in my EZ Bake oven, but it was hard to decide which recipe to choose!

We finally decided on the pink sugar cookies with vanilla frosting…

They were pretty tiny, but turned out great!

Before heading to bed, we both had a late night sushi snack!

We started off downstairs, watching a movie, but got too scared, and finally ended up falling asleep on my top bunk upstairs after MIDNIGHT!

Sleepovers are AWESOME!!!!