Monday, October 22, 2012

Our Annual Pumpkin Picking Trip

We plan an annual pumpkin picking trip out near Nannie and Grandpa’s house every year, and this year we lucked out! Even though we have had this date on the calendar for over a year, it turned out to be a warm, sunny fall day with temperatures in the 70s! We had a great time showing our cousin Liam around the farm, as it was his very first year celebrating with us! We went on a fun hayride, pony rides, corn maze & picked our pumpkins! We had a great time together!

-Abby, Emily & Ben

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Emily LOVES riding horses, and she was all set this year with her pink cowgirl boots!



Ben was feeling great after his surgery, and he had a fun time too!


The sing-along hayride was a blast this year!



Maybe the singing was a little too much for Abby…





Ben decided that he didn’t care how muddy the pumpkin patch was.. He was determined to crawl around and find the perfect pumpkin all by himself…


… and he did!





Back at Nannie & Grandpa’s house, we carved out our pumpkins together!


Abby really doesn’t like taking the seeds out…



… but she was excited when daddy said she could throw it all at Uncle Kevin!

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Abby wanted a “ghost” pumpkin this year, and Uncle Kevin went with a cool “bat” design. Emily and Ben are going to paint theirs instead!


We had a great time, and LOVE celebrating fall with our family!

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

One step closer…

My feet may not do exactly what I want them to do yet, but I’m getting closer to walking every day!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

One more time…

After I had my hypospadias repair surgery in May, I developed the one complication that happens in about 10% of cases… a fistula. One way to describe it, is that I “sprung a leak” as the doctor said, and I’ve been peeing out of TWO holes now instead of the new, correct one he made for me. SO, I had to go back in for more surgery today to repair the fistula, and Mommy & Daddy said they never want to see the inside of a hospital with their kids again! I did so great this time around, and even though I woke up a bit cranky and am now a bit sore, it wasn’t really a bad day!


I wish they knew how to make these hospital gowns a bit more modest….


I was loving getting to watch cartoons with my Daddy on my own personal TV!


The worst part of the whole day was having to wear that awful name bracelet on my ankle… I kept trying to get it off, and even managed to do so a few times!


Mommy brought my cups for me to play with, and I’m so glad she did, because I had SO much fun dropping them out of the crib for Daddy to catch! This helped pass a good half an hour of time that we had to wait.


Unfortunately, they couldn’t distract me enough from trying to get that bracelet off!


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I even got to lay in the big kids bed and watch TV with Mommy & Daddy before heading down to surgery!


I was pretty cranky when I woke up in recovery until they let my Mommy hold me, and then I passed out for quite a while!


When I woke up, I drank a whole cup of water, had two servings of applesauce & ate a bunch of Cheerios in under 5 minutes! The nurse decided I was well enough to get my IV out and go home! I recovered much quicker this time than I did last time!



I’m so glad this is all over, and I hope I NEVER have to go through it again! Thank you to everyone for all of the prayers & support! I love you!


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sesame Place Halloween Spooktacular!

We spent a family day together today heading down to Sesame Place to do a little early trick-or-treating at their Spooktacular celebration! We thought it would be a great idea on such a beautifully warm fall day, but unfortunately, so did a million and one other families… It was CRAZY there!!!! Abby & Daddy were the only ones to make it on a ride this time, but we all had fun dressing up in our costumes and getting a few treats anyways! This year our whole family dressed up as part of Alice and Wonderland! Emily is Alice, Abby is the Queen of Hearts, Ben is the white rabbit, Daddy is the Mad Hatter, and Mommy is the Cheshire Cat. We sure turned a few heads there, and EVERYONE loved our costumes! We can’t wait for Halloween now!

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Fall is here!

We’ve been waiting for there to be enough leaves to make a big pile to jump in, and we just couldn’t wait any longer, so we made do with what we have… We LOVE the fall, and Ben loved his first year playing in the leaves too!

-Abby & Emily







Wrapping up 2024...

We wrapped up 2024 and began looking forward to the new year with good friends and neighbors... Friend Emily joined our celebration again th...