We took our first trip to a Chili Cook-Off and Rodeo this weekend and we had so much fun! Watching the rodeo was fun for mommy & daddy, but Abby & Emily just liked eating cotton candy, and Ben found his new favorite food… FUNNEL CAKES!!!

This was the second cowboy out of the gate, and he fell off of his bucking Bronco right after mommy took this picture and had to go to the hospital. Abby’s had us diligently praying around the clock that he would be ok…

There was a lot of roping cattle to be seen!

Can you find Abby, Emily & Daddy in the crowd? It like “Where’s Waldo”!

We had no idea how those cowboys stay on their crazy horses!

In fact, a lot of them couldn’t stay on at all!

Some of the cowboys even jumped off their horses to wrestle some cattle to the ground by hand… They are crazy!!!

It was an exhausting day, but we had a blast! Thanks Mom & Dad!