"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away." - Welcome to our favorite Beach Family moments!
Monday, May 28, 2012
The unthinkable…
The very first time mommy met Grandpa, he promised her that the next time she came out to their house, he would have their hot tub running. She was SO excited about it, and after only 11 years later, the unthinkable FINALLY happened! He actually got it running!!!!! This time he just made it warm so we could go swimming in it, but hopefully it will be working next time we go out, so mommy can bring her bathing suit and ACTUALLY go in it and relax! Thanks Grandpa… we love our new “hot pool” at your house!
-Abby, Emily & Ben
Mommy is always telling Grandpa that he never smiles when she takes his picture… and here is a bit of proof of the many goofy faces Grandpa likes to make, but doesn’t even realize he’s doing it!!! Maybe next time he can try smiling !!!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Thank you Mor-Mor!
Since I love changing into SO many outfits at bedtime these days, Mor-Mor thought I might like a beautiful “grown-up” fancy nightgown to wear! She was SO right! My eyes LIT UP when mommy opened the package today, and my sister Abby loves her matching one just as much! Thanks Mor-Mor… You’re the best!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Summer is here!
We are SO excited that the weather has been so warm lately! Daddy even decided it was time to set up the pool for the season! He is building us a cool new “deck” to climb in and jump off of, and he even put little rocks around the pool so we didn’t get the pool full of dirt and grass. They are really cool, except that Emily still likes to throw rocks into the water, which is a little bit of a problem right now… Even though the water was quite chilly today, we just couldn’t wait to test it out for the first time this year! Abby loved every minute of it, and while Emily was pretty excited to go in, her smiles VERY quickly turned to tears when she realized how cold it was!
-Abby & Emily
Emily decided to persevere and try it one more time, and I think she actually liked it!
We think Ben might even enjoy it this year too!
Ben’s favorite part of the warm weather so far is that he LOVES hanging out on his porch swing!
He smiles so big, that you can even see his two little teeth!
We hope you’re enjoying some beautiful weather by you today too!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day to all you special mommies & grandmas out there! We love you!
-Abby, Emily & Ben
We spent the day with our mommy having a special picnic at the lake by our house for dinner! What did you do to celebrate your mommy today?
The girls did some rock climbing, tadpole catching, fishing, and soccer playing with daddy…
Mommy enjoyed watching us play, but I think she enjoyed the peace and quiet with Ben a little bit more! He LOVED laying with her and watching the trees blowing and the airplanes flying in the sky. It was such a beautiful day to hang out outside with our mom!
Good thing he still has his helmet… It makes mommy feel better about his getting thrown in the air! He sure loves it though!
We all hope you had a great Mother’s Day too!
Wrapping up 2024...
We wrapped up 2024 and began looking forward to the new year with good friends and neighbors... Friend Emily joined our celebration again th...