Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Abby Grace!

I FINALLY had my “Four Birthday” today! Mommy & Daddy can’t believe how much I’ve grown! It was a cold, icy day, and daddy even got to stay home from work to celebrate with me! I got to open presents (I got LOTS of clothes, which is good, because I usually change outfits 5 times a day…), bake cupcakes with mommy for my preschool celebration, play princesses with daddy, and even go out to dinner at the restaurant of my choice. I chose Applebee’s so they could sing their happy birthday song to me! I was VERY shy, but I loved every minute of it. I had a VERY special day, and I can’t wait for my family party this weekend at my Nannie & Opa’s house! Let the celebration continue!









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