Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My 1st trip to the dentist!

Today was my first trip to the dentist, and I did GREAT! I had a hard time getting my teeth checked because I couldn't stop talking to the dental hygienist the whole time! I had so much to tell her! I loved sitting in the big chair, getting my teeth counted (did you know I have TWENTY teeth?), picking out my bubblegum toothpaste, spitting water in the cool little sink they have, and picking out my very own new toothbrush! The dentist said I have no cavities, and that I'm doing a great job brushing! I loved showing mommy my pearly white teeth, and I can't wait to go back next year!
Aren't my teeth all bright and shiny?!?!?!?
The dentist even gave Emily her own toothbrush!
Here’s a little video of my first trip to the dentist!
Here is a link to my sister’s first trip to the dentist too!:

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bike riding

It was a beautiful day today, so we got outside for some bike riding! Over the weekend, Daddy & Mommy bought me a big girl bike because I just wasn't able to steer my tricycle very well. I can't say I'm much better at this one yet, but it is MUCH cooler!

Even Emily rode her quad for the first time... She did great! Just check out her video of her first run! She did much better than I did the first time I tried!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Signs of spring!

Buds are popping up all over the place, and the flowers are beginning to bloom! We even have a birds nest on our back porch, and daddy set up a web cam so we can watch the mommy bird sitting on her eggs, and to see if we can watch the baby birds after they have hatched! Spring is in the air!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I can walk!

I am such a big girl now! I've been practicing a lot with mommy and daddy, and I am finally beginning to walk! Woohoo! Our lives are going to change BIG time now!


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Welcome to our playhouse!

Welcome to our new playhouse! Mommy & daddy gave this to me for my birthday, but I decided I wanted to share it with Abby too... Afterall, how much fun would it be to play in there alone????? We can ring the doorbell, hang out on the porch bench, cook on the grill, play in the sand and water tables, put on a puppet show, and even play basket ball (when we get a little taller)! This house rocks! Thanks mom & dad!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm ONE!

I can't believe I'm already one year old! I've had a great time celebrating, and I even had a little party this morning with some of our friends from the moms club! I may not have liked my cupcake, but I had a blast with all the kids! Thanks for helping me celebrate!


Now that I'm one, I am doing SO many cool things!

* I am a REALLY fast crawler, and walk all over the place holding on to furniture. I even like letting go now, and seeing how long I can balance, although it doesn't usually last more than 5 seconds. I've even taken a few "falling" baby steps! I'll be running around here in no time!

* I am venturing into trying some new foods, although I still like my baby food best! I like pickles, crackers, string cheese, puffs, Cheerios, goldfish, waffles & the noodles from Abby's princess soup! I'm still figuring out the sippy cup though... if anyone has any suggestions, mommy would love to hear them!

* I LOVE playing with my sister & all of her toys. I don't love all the "baby" toys nearly as much as her dollhouse, & I especially love doing my own hair at her vanity table! I even like Cody's toys more than those baby ones! My favorite toys still have to be mommy & daddy's tv remote, telephone & car keys though!

* I am babbling & screaching up a storm these days. I say mama & dada (although they don't think it means anything yet), I say hi and wave to everyone, and love saying hi on the phone! Mommy's favorite word I say is "ugggg", when I give her a huge squeeze!

* I get SO excited when daddy gets home from work, and I just keep screaming until he comes over to give me a hug and kiss... he's learned quickly that he needs to say hi to me FIRST now! I also love jumping and spinning in my johnny jumper, and FLYING around in my walker!

* I love to go to sleep, as long as I have my little lamb to hug & smoosh all over my face! There's nothing like a good nap... and mommy and daddy agree!

So much has been happening this year, and I can't WAIT to see what the next one brings! Stay tuned for LOTS more to come!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My 1st birthday party!

Today was my very first birthday party! Mommy & daddy can't believe I'm going to be one in just a few short days! I had such a great time at my Nannie & Grandpa's house for my party, and we even got to celebrate Easter on the same day! I even made it extra special and took my first few little steps at my party! I'm going to be walking in no time!


Mommy bought a special pinata for my party, and filled it with Easter candy... I got to hit it first since I was the birthday girl, but I needed a little help from daddy!

Mommy made me a REALLY special cake... a HUGE cupcake, just for me to smash! It was so yummy, and my first taste of cake EVER!

I got a little frosting on myself... sorry mom!

I got to end the night by opening my present from my sister. She bought me my very own baby doll since I keep trying to steal hers... it is my FAVORITE gift! Thanks Abby!

Thanks everyone for making my birthday party so special!

Wrapping up 2024...

We wrapped up 2024 and began looking forward to the new year with good friends and neighbors... Friend Emily joined our celebration again th...