Friday, April 4, 2008

My new best friend

I met the CUTEST girl the other day in the mirror, and now I'm obsessed with her! She is the best playmate ever... she always wants to do what I want to do!

Here's a video of me and my new friend...


Anonymous said...


I wish I had a picture from our trip to Target the other day. Do you remember when we got sidetracked in the mirror section for about a half hour while we were shopping for nightlights.


Abigail & Emily said...

You forgot to tell mommy about that!

Anonymous said...

The girl in my mirror isn't half as cute as your new playmate...

Happy 4th Birthday Ozzy!

We had a little puppy party for Ozzy's birthday since we were watching Ozzy & Luna's friend, Dierks, for the weekend, and I thin...