Sunday, April 27, 2008

The not-so-fun place to play...

Mommy & daddy took me to a fun place to play today!I got to play with trains, and all kinds of neat toys...

I was having a great time until... some lady put me in a jeep seat and started making my hair wet and.... get ready for this... she started CUTTING IT OFF!!!!! What kind of place is this?!?

The 5 cookies they gave me didn't make it any better...

I didn't like the ball, or the balloon, or the princess jeep seat, or even the cartoons on TV... They tried EVERYTHING!

I tried climbing out of my seat...

Even looking in the mirror didn't help!...

Well... maybe it wasn't SO bad... mom & dad caught a few shots of me enjoying my cookie...

Don't I look pretty with my new bangs?!?!? Daddy says I'm gorgeous!

Look at my cool certificate they gave me... AND they saved some hair for mommy to put in my baby book!

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Christmas morning

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