Sunday, September 1, 2024

Fantasy Lake

Round 2 of Ben's birthday was a day at Fantasy Lake with friends! We love it there, and had to cancel last month because of weather, but we had NO idea the storm that was about to roll in! We got in 58 awesome minutes of play before they called it for rain, and since we were there for less than an hour, we got rain checks to come back another time! Thanks to everyone for coming with us and making some awesome memories!

I got more pictures of the grown ups this time since the kids were off and running, and we did a lot more falling than we did staying on!

A few of us did the cliff jumping too!

Check out those storm clouds rolling in...

It was quite a thunderstorm, and the ride back to house was awful!!!

We all made it back safe and sound though, and celebrated Ben's 13th one more time together with pizza, donuts, and the usual clarinet performance of "Happy Birthday"!

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