Sunday, November 26, 2023

November catch up post...

Since blogging takes me FOREVER these days, I figured I would catch you all up in one post for November since we've been doing a lot of different things here in NC.

The biggest accomplishment is that all the kids made A honor roll for their first quarter this year!They are KILLING this school thing, and I am so proud of them!

Not only are his grades awesome, but Ben is ROCKING the clarinet in middle school band, and practices for us and the neighbors ALL the time!

We had this cutie stay with us for a week over Thanksgiving... She belongs to my friend Sara, and she fit right in with our clan!

There was A LOT of playtime, and Luna loved it! Ozzy... well... he tolerated her well :)

For Thanksgiving, we had a nice quiet day together as a family... cooking, eating, hanging out in our jammies and playing games. It was the perfect family day!

These pups enjoyed the day together too... and their special turkey treats!

Emily got brightened up at her most recent haircut, and I love it!

Brian, Abby & Ben ran a 5k together and scored some awesome medals!

I've been going to our neighborhood's "Bunco" ladies game nights, and I helped the host out on November's "Friendsgiving" theme night! So much fun!

When Brian tries to tap out early and fall asleep, the guys are always quick to wake him back up!

November is also birthday month for Brian and I, and we had some fun celebrations.

Brian has been wanting to go out and try hot pot forever, so we took him there, and it was such a fun experience!

Ben wrapped his own gift for Brian, and apparently he was hungry while wrapping! 😂

Brian knows how to pick a good gift for me!

And Ben knows how to pick a funny one!

I enjoyed spending time with the ladies for "Prosecco and Pie" for my birthday celebration! We are truly blessed!

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