Wednesday, May 31, 2023

A little bit of work and a lot of fun in May...

As we near the end of the school year, I picked up some subbing jobs in Emily's Science class & a 2 day job in one of our neighbor's classes... It's always interesting going into the schools, but a fun change!

My organizational skills come out strong in the Elementary schools!

I got this picture texted to me during Emily's science class... Middle school is quite different from Elementary school!

I've also been teaching my virtual childbirth classes weekly, and this little "helper" loves the planning time!

I also spent some time making daily cards for Ben's big EOG tests this year... His "encouragemints" must have worked, because he did great!

The summer is definitely approaching, and we've been having a blast hanging outside more with friends...

They are clearing some of the woods behind our house to put in a greenway, which will be awesome for walking, biking, and getting around town! We've had fun going back to check on their progress!

It's even encouraged quite a bit of tree cutting in our own yards!

Warm nights hanging out is awesome...

... and tiring! Bring on Summer!

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