Saturday, May 2, 2020

Week 7: Quarantine Blog

Hey everyone... week 7 is now behind us, and not much has changed here. Still homeschooling, enjoying our beautiful weather, having fun together with games, movies & cooking, and trying not to get too crazy watching the news. This week's updates are a little light on news stories again since not much has changed, but thanks for keeping up with us! Hope you're all feeling well, staying safe, and finding happy moments together everyday! 

Apparently, this is my new favorite Bitmoji since it's the first one that pops up on my phone!


A few numbers to keep updated on the US and NC...



We started the week with a lovely "quarnatine gift" from our neighbors mom... a full bucket of freshly picked strawberries to enjoy! We cleaned them well, and enjoyed them for days! Ben even had fun making a strawberry oatmeal crumble for us to have for dessert one night!


I'm still enjoying my girlfriends from a distance, and my friend Kari even got us matching shirts for us "driveway drinkers"! That phrase is even more appropriate these days since we're not allowed in each other's houses and we HAVE to be in the driveway!


We have had beautiful weather here, and some days have been getting pretty hot! We're still enjoying our walks in the neighborhood for "PE", and we even saw an airplane in the sky this week! (I hadn't realized how rare that is anymore until we saw it...)


A couple memes of the beautiful weather we enjoyed on spring vacation, and the newest fashion for the summer!



We're still waiting for "good news", but the really bad news this week was that our numbers in the world topped 3 million confirmed cases!





We haven't seen this by us yet, but I'm not surprised... remote learning is a lot of work!


We continue to enjoy family games, and this week, the highlight was the "Game of Life" (which I TOTALLY won, by the way...)


Abby was pretty sad that she only managed to have one baby, and she didn't win the beautiful forehead contest, but she was a good sport about it all, and looking back on the game, she really did have a wonderful life....


Even our game had us close and quarantined! 


Our numbers also showed the US topping 1 million cases ourselves... We really hope these numbers go down soon...




This week in art, Ben and I drew our own versions of Van Gouh's Sunflower painting...


Ben's teacher also stopped at all the kids houses and dropped off a goodie bag for them and to tell them how great they were doing and that she missed them. It was REALLY hard not to hug her, but Ben was ready with his card!


This was one of Ben's math problems this week, and after he read it, he looked at me and said, "Mom, why on EARTH would Jill's mom let them eat so many sugar cookies????" Good point buddy...


Emily's teacher stopped by too this week so we could give her her very belated birthday present... Emily knew she's always wanted this saying on a shirt, so we found it for her!


Abby was back at cooking this week and made a great chicken with peppers and gnocchi dish... She's getting really good at this!


The only change in the news this week was that our county dropped our current order to stay at home, so we would align with the state's order. Not much changed with that, but it's easier to understand now... kind of... This video definitely sums up how we've all been feeling about these rules though...



So, we haven't been doing too well here in the great state of NC apparently... Our family totally gets and "A" though!


Our good friend and neighbor was laid off of his job in the restaurant business, and was able to provide us with the chance to buy a lot of great meat and fish at restaurant costs, so we loaded up our freezer this week! We spent a lot of time watching Youtube and learning how to butcher it all!


I made an awesome dinner night with some amazing Black bass...



Brian and I have been working out the past 4 weeks with an online exercise program, and our gym is really coming together. One day for "art class", I sent the girls down to decorate our white board with motivational saying and drawings... mission completed!








A lot of good memes still popping up out there...

Another news update...



Mor-Mor suggested we watch the "Wartville Wizard" storytime video, and it was a great bedtime story!


With all of the rubbing alcohol in the house to make hand sanitizer, Brian did some experiments to show the girls how flamable it is...


Ben's teacher had a scavenger hunt for the kids one day where they had to run all over the house and bring her back items to show the class. It was fun for them, and Ben got a lot of exercise!


Mor-Mor's storytime...


A highlight of the week was definitely getting creative with our virtual reality game of rollercoasters! All you need is a leaf blower and some sprinkles of water and it feels like you're right there!


Check out our video of the coasters... I was quite surprised on how really it actually felt!


I wrapped up my week with socially distanced morning coffee with my good friend who just moved into her new house in the hood! Hopefully I'll get to see her house one of these days!


Hope you have a wonderful week, and stay healthy!

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