Saturday, June 15, 2019

Father's Day weekend Museum fun!

We're celebrating Dad this weekend on Father's Day, so at his request, we went out to lunch at Gonza Tacos and headed off to the NC art museum! We may have rolled a few eyes in the beginning, but everyone loved it! Happy Father's Day dad!

Ben turned out to be quite the photographer! He found some of the art quite "interesting", but I supposed ALL art is to be appreciated!

This one got a few giggles... :)

Ben's favorite exhibit was the light box!

The girl's favorite piece was whatever this was:

And Emily loved this one...

This was Mom's favorite:

This was everyone's top piece... What do you see???? We ALL saw something different!

They have a beautiful sculpture garden to enjoy as well!

This "rooftop" model was Emily's dream... She was actually allowed to play on the roof!

Emily became art herself!

What a fun day! The next morning, we headed out for a family bike ride and to Dad's favorite coffee shop to celebrate Father's Day!

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