So, Mommy hasn’t been so good lately at posting things on the blog, and she’s hearing a lot about it from EVERYONE! She’s been so busy teaching, helping deliver babies, and helping to plan her church MOPS group for the fall, Daddy’s been in and out of traveling, and we’ve been keeping busy here! She decided to make one long post of all the pictures she’s found on hers and Daddy’s phones from our adventures so far, and she promises that there will be many more big adventures to share as the summer goes on! For now, enjoy!
To start off, check out our sunglass kid… He wears them everywhere!

The girls have been busy making tons of crafts… Abigail helped Emily make a flower headband…

Abby made Liam his own ice cream shop…

And Mommy helped us melt down our old crayons and make new ones!

Mommy’s been trying to help us be healthier this summer, so we’ve been eating a lot of fruits and veggies! We even make green smoothies (at least Abby & Mommy like them!)

We even learned about a new fruit! Mommy thought she was buying a honeydew until she cut it open…

It’s called an orange dewlicious!

Abby’s been getting healthy too by joining Mom & Dad’s fitbit challenges… She wins everytime…

Daddy bought a new car…

… but not without wishing he had picked this one first… Even Ben loved “driving” in it (you have to look carefully… he’s pretty little in there)!

Ben is getting ready to be the most awesome ring bearer EVER next month at Aunt Kristie and Uncle Ryan’s wedding!

Daddy thought it would be a good idea to show everyone Jurassic Park… You can imagine how that went…

On the Saturday’s that Mommy’s been working, Daddy has taken us into the city! We LOVE walking around Times Square, Central Park & going to the Central Park & Bronx zoos!

I’m sure you can tell, but Daddy always wears Ben out!

EVERYONE has been thrown in the pool against their will this summer…
The girls have been learning to dive in swimming lessons too!
We enjoyed celebrating the 4th of July with Nannie & Grandpa, and Abby made a delicious festive cake!

We all had an awesome time at VBS this past week! Ben was so excited that the theme was Superheros, but he didn’t want his picture taken… we’ll get lots of him on his Superhero birthday though!

Finally, Daddy took Abby & Emily out on a Daddy/Daughter Date today to a fun play place, where they rode go-carts, went on rides, climbed the rock wall and played in the arcade!

As you can see, even though we haven’t been blogging, we’ve been busy having fun! Hope you’re summer’s been a blast too!