"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away." - Welcome to our favorite Beach Family moments!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Christmas Photoshoot: Take 2
So that time of year is upon us again: mommy’s CRAZY Christmas photoshoots! There is an awful lot of getting dressed and ready, running around, kids screaming, babies crying, bribes given, and even a few little smiles thrown in there for only 10 minutes of picture taking! I think that’s as long as mommy can take it at a time, before wrapping it up! I’m sure we’ll have to do this again when she decides to try it one more time for that “PERFECT” picture, but in the end, it’s just more lollipops for us!
-Abby, Emily & Ben
We sure had some fun though!
Ben was so sleepy after our photoshoot that he fell asleep on his changing table even before mommy could get him in his pj’s!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Christmas photoshoot: Take 1!
This was my very first Christmas photoshoot, and I have to say… it was a lot of fun! I LOVE sitting in baskets with funny hats on my head! Mommy said I was so easy, and she hopes I always love the camera this much! Stay tuned for more pictures with my sisters soon…
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Can you believe it????
Can you believe I’m big enough and hold my head up well enough to try out the jumper already!?!?! I had no idea what everyone was talking about, but it turns out, it’s pretty cool!
I’m so glad my sisters could give me some pointers on how to make this thing work!
WAIT… You don’t just leave me in here, do you?!?!?!
I can tell I’m going to have a blast with this thing!
Monday, November 7, 2011
3 Months Old!
I turned 3 months old on Saturday, and I got to go on a special trip to Cape May, NJ with JUST my mommy & daddy to celebrate! We were also celebrating their birthdays, and had so much fun together! We did some fun shopping, ate some great seafood meals, and got to see a bunch of beaches! It was so much fun to have them all to myself all weekend! Happy birthday to us!
We went to the Cape May lighthouse and even got to climb all the way to the top for some beautiful views!
There were 199 steps to the top, and it was exhausting!
Luckily, I was snuggled up in daddy’s pack & didn’t have to walk up all those stairs!
It was pretty high at the top, but there were some beautiful views of the ocean!
This view was out of one of the potholes in the side of the lighthouse
This was the view from the balcony of our hotel room! We loved looking out at the beach!
Thanks for a fun trip mommy & daddy!
Better late than never…
Only 5 days late, we finally got to go trick-or-treating for Halloween! We LOVED getting all dressed up again (even though we had to wear our coats), and had so much fun going out with Aunt Bridget & Uncle Kevin this year! Most of the snow was even gone already! The best part of the day though, was handing out candy to all the other trick-or-treaters that came to our door!
-Abby & Emily
Uncle Kevin was Emily’s buddy this weekend! They had a great time trick-or-treating together!
Ben had a good time too, but he stayed all bundled up in his stroller… we were all very envious of how warm he looked!
What’s Halloween without a little bit of mischief???? (Notice the toilet paper on our tree in the background that we put on with daddy too!)
Wrapping up 2024...
We wrapped up 2024 and began looking forward to the new year with good friends and neighbors... Friend Emily joined our celebration again th...