Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What's with my kids and glass doors???

I'm not sure what the obsession is with my girls and glass doors, but they both LOVE playing with them! Abby had a blast when she was 10 months old too!


Abby at 10 months:

Emily at almost 10 months:

Abby "eating" the door:

Emily had to "taste" it too! (Look at those eye lashes!):

Sisters are way cooler than dogs!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Beauty parlor & tea parties!

I LOVE playing with my big sister... especially when I get to play big girl things!


My tribute to Haiti

Today, mommy & I were talking about the people in Haiti, and how sad it is that many of the people there don't have anything anymore. As always, I decided to "sing" about the things that they needed, and what I'd like to give to them. I decided to pack up some of my shirts that don't fit me anymore to give to the little girls there, and for a split second, I wanted to send them my TV too...


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Daddy loves us...

Daddy brought home flowers for all of us today (well, they were really for mommy, but she loves to share)! We each got to pick out our favorite flowers and make our own bouquet! Thanks daddy... we love you too!

-Abby & Emily

This is just a cute picture of Emily that mommy wanted to share!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Locked up!

Now that I'm getting into EVERYTHING, mommy decided it was time to set up the baby jail again. Lucky for her, I love it as much as my sister did when she was little, and it's even more fun when Abby gets in and plays with me!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Aspiring artist

I'm becoming quite the artist these days... mommy started folding my drawing paper in thirds, and now I'm getting really good at drawing the head in the top box, the body in the middle and the legs in the bottom! Notice this picture of daddy even has hair, fingers, a belly button, and his NAME!!!!


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Disney on Ice

For Christmas, Mor-Mor bought our family tickets to go see Disney on Ice together, and we had a GREAT time! I wasn't feeling very well, so I didn't feel much like posing for pictures... I just wanted to see all the skaters, and tell mommy & daddy who was coming out next! Can you believe ALL my favorite princesses were there! It was amazing! Emily had a great time too, and even started clapping for the first time during the show! Go Emily!


During the show we saw:

Aladdin, Jasmine & the Genie:

Nemo, Marlin, Dori & Bruce from "Finding Nemo":

ALL my favorite princesses, including Belle & the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Snow White, Jasmine, Pocahontas and Mulan...

Woody, his girlfriend, Buzz Lightyear and the toy soldiers from "Toy Story":

Simba, Nala, Pumba & Timone from "The Lion King":

And a beautiful reinactment of "It's a Small World":

And of course, Mickey Mouse, Minney, and all their Disney friends!:

It was a great show, and we had a blast! Thanks Mor-Mor!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm growing up!

Check out how big I'm getting! Mommy even found me sitting up after my nap yesterday, but I'm not telling her how I did it!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cribs rule!

Now that I'm not swaddled anymore to sleep, I have so much fun playing in my crib! I can't get all the way up on my own yet (I can make it half way if I'm already sitting), but I love it when mommy lets me hang out in there... especially when my big sister gets in with me!


Friday, January 8, 2010

9 Months Old!

I am 9 months old today! I have now spent more time in this great big world than in my mommy's tummy. I have been really busy these past 9 months, and am getting SO big! I am a very happy baby MOST of the time, and love smiling, laughing & dancing. BUT... I know what I want, and let everyone know when I don't get it!

I'm getting SO close to crawling, and even love rolling everywhere and scooting around backwards on my belly. I love standing up to play at my play table, but I'm not so sure about taking any steps yet. I love to "talk" just like my sister, but it mostly comes out in bursts of yelling, "ma-ma-ma" and "da-da-da". I think I need to learn sign language soon so I can let everyone know what I'm talking about!

Mommy and daddy are doing a great job helping me with my ezcema... I get lots of baths, they've gone through TUBS of Aquaphor, and mommy does a great job treating my flare-ups! I'm hardly ever itchy anymore, and my skin actually feels pretty soft! I'm still hoping to outgrow this soon, but in the meantime, keep up the good work mommy & daddy!

The biggest news is that last week I FINALLY figured out how to sleep without being swaddled! It was so nice being all wrapped up, but mommy said I was getting too big for my blanket, and it's even more fun now that I can roll around my crib! Except for the nights when my teeth are hurting (I have 2 already, and I think a few more are on the way), I sleep even better now... usually 10-12 hours at night, and take 2 good naps during the day!

Some of my favorite things these days are:

* Jumping in my johnny jumper
* Walking backwards in my walker
* Eating puffs (sweet potato are my favorites)
* "Dancing"
* Cuddling and giving great big "squeeze" hugs
* Putting everything in my mouth
* Playing with my sister and Cody
* Going shopping with mommy and sitting in the cart
* Bathtime!
* Reading (especially books like Pat the Bunny)

Some things I'm not really loving these days:

* Eating chunky foods (I only like the smooth stuff, and even then I'm very picky)
* Wearing bibs (I always try to pull them off)
* ANYTHING over my head (I don't like getting dressed, and I'm not very fond of peek-a-boo either)

I can't wait to see what the next few months bring... Crawling??? Cruising??? My first steps??? Eating more exciting solids??? More teeth??? Talking??? Learning sign language??? It's going to be a blast!


I'm a princess!

My sister is so cool! She let me dress up in all her princess stuff today, and I loved it! I think my favorite part was the shoes! I can't wait until I can walk and we can play princess together!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'm walking... with help!

Mommy got me my very own walker today, and I LOVE cruising around the kitchen... backwards, just like my sister used to do!


Friday, January 1, 2010

Fun in the snow

For New Years, we took a trip out to my Nannie & Grandpa's house and had SO much fun playing in the snow... there wasn't very much, but it was enough to go sledding with daddy, ride on the quad with Gandpa, and build a snowman bigger than me! I had a blast!


Wrapping up 2024...

We wrapped up 2024 and began looking forward to the new year with good friends and neighbors... Friend Emily joined our celebration again th...