Sunday, June 14, 2009

Street fair fun!

Mommy found a street fair going on in a town near ours, and we decided to take a trip to check it out today... I LOVED IT!!!! There were so many things going on, and I couldn't decide what to do, so I talked mommy & daddy into doing EVERYTHING!

There were crafts, and I made what mommy said was a BEAUTIFUL flower...

Daddy showed me some carnival games, and I won a really cool NEMO balloon (can you believe I picked NEMO over DORA?!?!?)...

There was face painting, but since I was a little nervous, the lady painted "Blue" from Blue's Clues on my hand instead... it had glitter and everything! She said I did such a good job sitting still...

Daddy shared his funnel cake with me...

I got to ride on my very first pony in the parking lot of the bank!!!... I held on really tight, but daddy wanted to stay right by me, and I'm kinda glad he did because those ponies were big!...

Daddy & I fed the goats and sheep in the petting zoo, although they kept stealing it all out of my cup!

Then I saw it... THE BIG SLIDE!!!!! I climbed up and went down ALL by myself!...

It was REALLY hard leaving the slide behind...

There was a tent from the "Little Gym", and they let me play on all the equipment. Mommy thinks I'm going to be a gymnist when I grow up...

There were balloons EVERYWHERE, and at one booth, they even made me my very own flower!

Mor-Mor was so sweet and bought me my very own Dora shirt... thanks Mor-Mor!

We even got to have hotdogs for lunch... my new favorite!!

Even Emily enjoyed a little time out in the sun!

To top it all off... before leaving the fair, we stopped at Friendly's and all shared a chocolate Fribble (or "drink ice cream" as I like to call it)!

Could this day have been ANY cooler??? Thanks mommy, daddy & Mor-Mor, I had a blast!


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