Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day at the zoo

Mommy always says our house is like a zoo, so we decided to celebrate Mother's Day by going to a REAL zoo! It was Emily's first real outing, but she didn't see much since she was tucked away in her stroller sleeping the whole time... but I had a BLAST!!!

I got to feed SO many animals! There were chickens & roosters to feed (I wasn't too scared, but birds are DEFINATELY NOT my favorite!!!!)...

There were very "dirty" sheep...

There were several different kinds of bears, one of which was REALLY big! Did you know they eat animal crackers just like you and me????...

Daddy & I fed the elk...

and the deer went CRAZY for food!!!...

Even thought there were so many cool animals, and I loved feeding them all, my favorite thing to do was just run ahead by myself, up and down all of the hills, and pick some flowers for mommy...

I started our trip around the zoo on their cool tire swing with daddy, and ended it with a silly swing I could do all by myself! They had just poured fresh mulch to raise the ground, and let's just say I didn't need any help getting on the swing!

Thanks for a great trip! Hope you had a happy Mother's Day mommy... I know I did!!!

1 comment:

jay_say said...

Absolutely adorable pictures. I just love how you capture the moment in just the right way. Hope you had a great mother's day!

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