Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Minnesota Trip

After coming back from my trip to Maine, we all got on a plane and flew to Minnesota for my mommy's cousin's wedding. I didn't exactly love the plane this time... I just wanted to run around, my ears hurt, and I desprately needed a nap, but there were no cribs on the airplane for me, so I just fought it instead...

Until we got the rental car, then I passed out!:

I had so much fun at my first wedding! It started with me chasing some boys around, and getting knocked down... which ended in a bloody nose & lip, but I got right back up to play. I thought that was fun until they started dancing at the reception! I had so much fun, that everyone wanted to dance with me! I danced for HOURS!!!!

The next day we got to go to the Mall of America, and then spend some time with Aunt Susan, Uncle David, my mommy's cousin Erik, and his fiancee, Joanna. We had a great time, and are so glad they were able to hang out with us!

Finally, our trip was over, but not without a little playtime before getting back on the plane! Goodbye Minnesota!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Maine 2008

Sorry I've been gone so long! I went on a family vacation, and I just got back. I had such a blast with all of my cousins! Mommy says it's time to get back on schedule though... uh oh!!!! Anyway, enjoy the slideshow! (Mommy took over 1500 pictures, but she's only sharing a mere 80 with everyone... enjoy!)

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sprinklers are AWESOME!!!

It was another hot day today, and I spent most of it in my pool. Daddy even set up the sprinkler for me to play in too. Summer is so cool!

Mommy's little helper

I am SUCH a big help these days! I think doing laundry with mommy is my favorite chore!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Daddy, Mommy, "Coeeeee", and I went to the Hamptons for the 4th of July to visit with my Nannie, Grandpa & Aunt "Brish". It was kind of overcast, but thankfully we didn't see too much rain. We went to see my relatives who live on the beach, and got to see really cool fireworks! I even got to stay up until 10 o'clock! My favorite part was definately walking in the ocean (which I call the "pool")!

Daddy & I took a stoll on the beach together, and we saw all kinds of huge bon-fires! His ears are the BEST handles a kid could ask for to hold onto!

The fireworks were amazing, and not scary at all!

I hope you all had a very happy and safe Independence Day!

Wrapping up 2024...

We wrapped up 2024 and began looking forward to the new year with good friends and neighbors... Friend Emily joined our celebration again th...