Sunday, March 31, 2024

Spring is here!

We are loving the change of season here as we are seeing warmer & sunnier days, green & flowering trees (although maybe a bit too much pollen), and finally spending more time outside with friends!

The season of outdoor hangouts, yard improvement, hot tub time & backyard campfires have returned to the block!

Even the dogs are happy to be hanging out together again!

We celebrated Easter this year with a glow in the dark egg hunt with friends!

Happy Easter and happy spring to everyone!

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Spring Break in the Mountains

For spring break this year, we packed up the family & the dogs and headed to the mountains in NC for a getaway together. We rented a small cabin in the woods, enjoyed some indoor rainy day activities, went for a beautiful hike and even made our first college tour happen so Abby could see the Appalachian State UNC campus! It was a wonderful week spent making fun memories together!

We had a bit of rain while in the mountains, but we really enjoyed the cabin time spent together. Abby enjoyed cooking one of her weekly Hello Fresh meals for us...

Luna was a perfect fireside reading companion... 

Abby and I watched the Live Bachelor season finale together...

Brian and Emily played A LOT of video games together...

We enjoyed a few family games together (one of our favorite activities lately)...

We finally got to watch the Taylor Swift Era's Tour... What could be better than a cozy fireside private concert?!?!?!

Ben enjoyed being out in nature (even in the rain) and took it upon himself to hang outside and sharpen some sticks on a rock... He was pretty excited about it, so Brian took him to the General Store to buy his first Swiss Army knife & taught him how to do some real whittling! We now have a big pile of sharp sticks in our garage! 😂

We did end up having a day that was good for a hike, so we headed to the popular "Glen Burney Trail" to check out their trails & waterfalls...

Ozzy was all on board to check out the river, but Luna preferred watching from dry land...

The hike got a bit hilly for me, so I decided to hang back and enjoy the scenes from the top of the waterfall, while Brian took the kids and dogs to see it from the bottom! I ended up taking a picture of Abby just as she was taking a picture of me!

What a wonderful week we could spend together making memories! 💗

Monday, March 18, 2024

Spring in Michigan

I enjoyed spending some time with my brother, sister & mom for several days away in Michigan, and we even got to go see Dad & Nancy's new place! Thank you for a lovely brunch, and thank you to Jenn for hosting us the rest of the time!

I also got to enjoy my only snow of the season, which was beautiful, but melted quickly. It was perfect!

Wrapping up 2024...

We wrapped up 2024 and began looking forward to the new year with good friends and neighbors... Friend Emily joined our celebration again th...