Mom took to her camera once again for a friend, and got to practice her photography skills a bit more! Her little model didn’t want to sleep until the very end, but she managed to get a few cute ones! And she has a new logo made just for her pictures! A new website should be coming out soon too, once she figures out how to make it!
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away." - Welcome to our favorite Beach Family moments!
Saturday, October 21, 2017
A day full of fall fun!
We had an early release from school today, so our moms & Nannie took us to a local farm for some fun with our friends! Life in the south in a bit different though, as it felt about 100 degrees on this balmy October day! We still had a blast though!
We thought we would battle the heat by starting with some ice cream and Sno-cones!
Nannie was so happy to come this year, as we’ve all been missing our annual pumpkin picking trip together…
He headed to the corn maze first, and we were sure we could figure the thing out… but we were wrong. We made it halfway and had to turn around and go back the way we came! We needed Dad there with us…
Everyone loved taking turns holding the emergency flag, and many of us wanted to use it to get out of there!
They had an awesome huge blow up trampoline that we all had a blast on!
Sophia and Emily loved the giant see-saws!
A bunch of us loved racing the tractor bikes too!
Miss Ashley got to ride on the cow train with the driver! I think he had a little crush…
The huge racing rollers were fun for everyone!
This corn maze was WAY easier!
Everyone’s favorite activity was the corn box! We have no idea how much corn they needed to fill the space, but it went all the way up to our knees!
We found corn EVERYWHERE after we left!
There were goats to feed too!
A bunch of the bigger kids tried to go through the haunted house, but only Abby & Miss Laura made it through the whole thing… we still have NO idea why it took them so long though!
Ben was scared just thinking about the house!
We had a blast together, and hope we can make it an annual tradition!
Wrapping up 2024...
We wrapped up 2024 and began looking forward to the new year with good friends and neighbors... Friend Emily joined our celebration again th...